Pickup and Delivery Times

We offer different methods of delivering your products and the delivery time depends on the chosen method. You can see the sections on this page to better understand when you will receive your products.

Times for
Pickup in Store

San Francisco Store

Purchase Time

Pickup Time

Before Midday 2pm the same day
After Midday 2pm the next day

El Dorado Store

Purchase Time

Pickup Time

Before Midday 2pm the same day
After Midday 2pm the next day

* There are high performance products and special specifications that we have in our warehouse in the United States. These products take 30 days to arrive. You must see each product on the page and it indicates the Withdrawal / Delivery time of that product.

* Our branches are closed on Sundays and holidays.

Times for

Ciudad de Panamá

Purchase Time

Pickup Time

Before Midday The same day from 2pm
After Midday The next day from 10am

Panamá Norte

Purchase Time

Day / Time of Delivery

- Thursday (after 5pm)
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday (before 5pm)
Wednesday From 10am
- Tuesday (after 5pm)
- Wednesday
- Thursday (before 5pm)
Friday From 10am

Panama City Outskirts and Panama Pacific

Purchase Time

Day / Time of Delivery

Before 5pm The next day from 10am
After 5pm The day after tomorrow from 10am

Arraiján y La Chorrera

Purchase Time

Day / Time of Delivery

- Thursday (after 5pm)
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday (before 5pm)
Wednesday From 10am
- Tuesday (after 5pm)
- Wednesday
- Thursday (before 5pm)
Friday From 10am

* There are high performance products and special specifications that we have in our warehouse in the United States. These products take 30 days to arrive. You must see each product on the page and it indicates the Withdrawal / Delivery time of that product.

* Our branches are closed on Sundays and holidays.

Times for Courier Pickup

Uno Express, Fletes Chavale and Servientrega

Purchase Time Delivery to Courier Pickup in Courier
Before Midday The same day In less than 48 hours.
After Midday The next day In less than 72 hours.